AIA Indianapolis is home to the majority of AIA Indiana Membership. This section holds monthly programs, an annual TRIVIA night, a biannual Home Tour as well as their very own Design and Service Awards Gala. The Section also has for over 15 years engaged its younger members through the AIA Indianapolis Young Architects Forum (YAF). AIA Indianapolis also hosts the Indiana High School Architectural Design Competition. Through engagement with the public as well as members from across the state, AIA Indianapolis continues to be a voice for the profession, through education, engagement and programming.
This year’s outing is scheduled for Friday, July 18, at Brookshire Golf Club, 12120 Brookshire Pkwy, Carmel, IN 46033. Questions – contact AIA Indianapolis Golf Committee Chair Steve Savoie, AIA,, 317-819-1369, or AIA Indiana Membership Services Coordinator Kim Shelley,, 317-370-8479. More information will be forthcoming soon.
Interested in signing up for event updates from YAF Indianapolis? – Sign up here
Interested in joining the YAF Indianapolis Executive Committee or know someone who might be a good candidate? Fill out this form and we will reach out – YAF Indianapolis – Call for Candidates
ARE and AXP Resources: ARE Study Group Date: Every 2nd and 4th Wednesday Time: 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. Location: Lancer Associates, 145 N East St, Indianapolis, IN 46204
CA with Chris Harrison, AIA – This is an open, casual invitation to get a weekly hour(-ish) of AXP CE time through Setting O every week, observing the Convention Center Expansion with Chris Harrison – an Architect on the project with RATIO Design. We will be on the 7th floor of the parking garage to the north of the site, feel free to bring your lunch along. Please contact Chris Harrison for additional information and participation.
Contact for any questions or concerns regarding YAF Indy.
A dynamic, constantly evolving group of young design professionals committed to bettering themselves, their profession, and their community. Contact Logan R. Gemmill, AIA,, or Shorf Afza, Assoc. AIA,, to learn more and to get involved.