AIA Northern Indiana serves members residing in the north-central and northwest areas of the state, including Warsaw, South Bend/Mishawaka, and the Indiana metropolitan areas of Chicago. An active group, this Section has recently engaged younger members and now has a thriving Young Architects Forum (YAF NI). Meeting monthly this Section’s membership enjoys building tours, lunch and learns and the occasional cookout. Fans of the minor league South Bend Cubs, the Northern Indiana Section consistently plans an event at the ball field to root the team on.
This year’s outing is scheduled for Monday, August 11, at Morris Park Country Club, 2200 McKinley Ave, South Bend, IN 46615. Questions – contact AIA Northern Indiana Golf Committee Chair Cassandra Quissell Wright, Assoc. AIA,
AIA Northern Indiana is planning monthly programs for 2025. Please contact AIA Indiana Membership Development Coordinator Kim Shelley,, 317-370-8479, if you are interested in becoming more involved with AIA Northern Indiana.